[FULL EPISODE] Old Green Plane | ep 13 Season Finale | Dr. Jaime Seeman

In this the Season One Finale for Old Green Plane our guest is Dr. Jaime Seeman. In this episode of OGP Doc Jaime leads the way in a OGP Titan Games of our own that pits Collin versus Craig for pride of OGP. Watch also as Doc Jaime gets to fly herself in N9962T as we fly high over the farmland of Doc Jaime's home.

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[FULL EPISODE] Old Green Plane | ep 12 | The Trip to Cheyenne

This episode Old Green Plane is all about adversity. How do you deal with adversity? As a pilot? As a person? How would you deal with very high winds and erratic, quickly changing weather? Well in this the twelfth episode of Old Green Plane, Collin and Craig travel to Cheyenne, Wyoming after having to change their course because of weather, fires, and more! Watch as Collin and Craig make the most of it by visiting Craig's sister in her hometown of Fort Collins, Colorado, and then get the chance to see some amazing planes who do amazing work.

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[FULL EPISODE] Old Green Plane | ep 10 | Jon 'Jughead' Counsell

In this episode of Old Green Plane, Collin and Craig get to fly in formation with Military Aviation and jet fighter legend himself, Jon 'Jughead' Counsell.

Collin and Craig fly in formation with Jughead as flight commander but also with two Nebraska RedStar Formation fliers, Kurt Muhle and Keith Harbour.

Watch as Jughead and his team teach Collin and Craig about the ways to fly in formation safely while also having some amazing fun.

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[FULL EPISODE] Old Green Plane | ep 5 | The Rogers' Family

In this episode, shot back in August of 2019, Collin and Craig fly to Spearfish, South Dakota to the home of the Rogers' family. Their daughter, Madelaine, has cystic fibrosis and she and her mother, Laurie, and her sister, Olivia, join Craig and Collin as they talk about their journey with CF as well as their foundation and yearly fundraiser - 'Moon'light for M&M.

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